THE LONG DARK exit from Game Pass & Console Discount Plans

27 March 2023

Hello Survivors,

We have some important news for our console players.

THE LONG DARK exiting Game Pass

We’ve been informed that THE LONG DARK will be exiting Xbox Game Pass on April 16th, 2023.

This means that if you have no intention of purchasing THE LONG DARK on exit, or purchasing it in the future, you should not buy the TALES FROM THE FAR TERRITORY DLC, as you will lose the ability to play it unless you have THE LONG DARK in your library.

If you are a current owner of THE LONG DARK, or you plan to purchase THE LONG DARK after it exits Game Pass, you may safely purchase TALES FROM THE FAR TERRITORY.

Please keep in mind that you are under no obligation to purchase the DLC, and your ownership of THE LONG DARK still entitles you to receive Episode Five when it launches, as well as the Free “base game” updates that coincide with our TALES FROM THE FAR TERRITORY releases.

The important info here is that anyone currently playing THE LONG DARK on Game Pass who does not purchase THE LONG DARK once it leaves Game Pass, will not be able to play Episode Five, or play the TALES FROM THE FAR TERRITORY Expansion DLC.

Please only purchase TALES FROM THE FAR TERRITORY if you plan to continue playing and owning THE LONG DARK into the future.

Keep in mind that all current saves and Achievements obtained while the game was on Game Pass should be retained if you choose to purchase THE LONG DARK upon Game Pass exit, or into the future. Those saves and Achievements are attached to your Profile on the platform.

Console Discounts

We originally planned to have launch discounts set up for the console platforms, but unfortunately due to pushing the TALES FROM THE FAR TERRITORY launch out to March 30th, we’re now unable to offer those discounts at launch. They will come later, depending on the platform.

We are waiting for confirmation that Xbox Game Pass subscribers will have the opportunity to purchase TALES FROM THE FAR TERRITORY at a discount when it launches on March 30th. Either way, there will be opportunities to purchase TALES FROM THE FAR TERRITORY at a discount post-launch.

Besides that, we can confirm the following discount intentions. We will continue to update you on discounting plans as we’re able to firm them up with our platform partners.

  • Xbox Game Pass subscribers will have the opportunity to purchase THE LONG DARK at a discount when it exits Game Pass on April 16th.
  • Current Xbox owners of THE LONG DARK will be able to purchase TALES FROM THE FAR TERRITORY at a discount some time later in April.
  • PlayStation owners of THE LONG DARK, or PlayStation+ subscribers who have THE LONG DARK in their library, will be able to purchase TALES FROM THE FAR TERRITORY at a discount some time after April 30th.

We will continue to update you on our discounting plans, including dates and discount %s wherever we are able, so that anyone wanting to purchase the game while on sale will be able to do so.

Nintendo Switch Players

We do not currently have a firm launch date to communicate for TALES FROM THE FAR TERRITORY on Nintendo Switch. We will do our best to communicate firm dates and discounting plans once we confirm these with our partners at Nintendo. Look for more Switch info towards mid-April.

TALES FROM THE FAR TERRITORY, Launching on Xbox & PlayStation on March 30th

As a reminder to our Xbox and PlayStation players, we’re launching the first paid DLC expansion to THE LONG DARK’s Survival Mode, TALES FROM THE FAR TERRITORY, on March 30th. For more information on what is included in Parts One & Two, please refer to this Developer Diary, and stay tuned for the update video to be released in the next few days.

Thanks for reading, and if you have any questions about any of the discounting plans, please feel free to contact us at, post your questions on our Official Forums, or send us your questions on Twitter.

– The Hinterland Team